Keep Rwinkwavu Reading

We at Ready for Reading hope you are well and safe. World-wide we’ve all been profoundly affected by COVID-19. However, our work doesn’t stop and it is more important than ever to be there for our community.

EVERYDAY Ready for Reading opens it’s doors to over 300 people of all ages who participate in a wide variety of programs; literacy, IT, sports, music, Boys, Girls and Mom’s clubs, health, micro-finance and more. Most of the folks in Rwinkwavu are confined to small houses without TV, computers and books. In response to the stay-at-home order in Rwanda the Ready for Reading Team has gone “virtual” working to keep our community engaged, reading and learning.

Like so many nonprofits, COVID-19 has interrupted Ready for Reading’s funding flow. In addition to our normal costs we are in need of funds to purchase radio broadcast time and Internet to keep our team working from home and keep the community connected.

Many of us are looking for ways to feel hopeful and optimistic in the face of this unique challenge. We’re asking you, to please help us bridge this temporary funding gap and Donate Today to our GOFUNDME Charity Campaign.

Any donation small or large is most appreciated and will help keep our Team working and virtual doors open. Please spread the word, keep our community reading and the smiles coming.

Betsy and the Ready for Reading Team