Pascaline Beza, Age 13
My favourite book is called Breaking the Silence, I’ve read it five times! It’s about HIV/AIDS. The library has helped me learn how I can protect myself from getting HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
Angelique Niyonkuru, Age 12
The library is full of interesting stories and there are even dictionaries for difficult words. I get to learn many stories that I didn’t know before the library was built. Reading makes me feel happy, and when I tell other people the new stories, they can feel happy too.
Odila Dusube, Age 13
I like going to the library and finding extra information about what my teachers have told me in class. It is so interesting to learn about the everyday life of other people in countries outside of Rwanda.
John Bosco Nshimiyimana, Age 24
Before the library opened I had not read any books besides textbooks. We don’t have any books at home. Reading helps me to not make mistakes in my writing. It helps me understand the world around me, especially geography. I’m very happy with the library, it increases my knowledge.