Our 20 library apprentices, hired from the Rwinkwavu community, were well prepared to open the RCLLC’s doors to the community. Our first day open for business we had 423 people visit!! The building was humming with excitement and curiosity and the response was overwhelmingly positive as you can see from the faces in the photo.

Currently, we are open one day a week to the public as we continue our staff training in ICT, English, story telling, read-alouds, customer service, library services/organization and management, curriculum and programming development. We will also be using this training period to further assess the needs of the community.
In October we will be expanding our days of operation to include not only open library time but Kinyarwanda Adult literacy classes, e-reader classes, Sunday School, Mothers’ Literacy Group and a variety of cultural/social activities, …adding programming as we develop curriculum and train staff.