Fundraising Kickoff!!

Keep these Harmony Preschool students smiling by DONATING TODAY: Evidence demonstrates that high-quality early childhood care and education has significant and long-lasting social and economic benefits for children, their families, and society at large. Early childhood (0-6 years) is a critical period in a child’s physical, cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional development: what children experience in these early years shapes and defines their futures. Be a part of ensuring these children and others like them get the education they deserve to become future engineers, doctors and leaders. Any amount will be greatly appreciated and go a long way. Please share with your network of family and friends!  

International Women’s Day Celebrated

Fun, Free and Fabulous!!!   We at Ready for Reading SALUTE AND STAND IN SOLIDARITY with all the amazing and courageous women in the Rwinkwavu Community who take the bold step of learning to read and write for the first time, launch their own business enterprises, support their children’s education and well-being and become strong local leaders and agents for change.

World Book Day

A book is a link between the past and the future. It’s a bridge between generations and across cultures. Celebrate World Book Day!!!